Erasmus+ Projects at PSU


A list of current Erasmus+ projects at PSU

Acronym Project Name Remarks Project Logo Year
INNO4Tourism Innovative Curricula for Life-Long Learning of Sustainable Tourism Workforce Ongoing 2023-2026
KODECET Knowledge Development for Circular Economy Transition Ongoing 2023-2026
ASTRA Advancing Strategic Management, Leadership and Fundraising in Higher Education in Asia Ongoing 2021-2024
CALOHEA Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia Completed 2021-2024
ReCap 4.0 Reinforcing Non-University Sector at the Tertiary Level in Engineering and Technology to Support Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry Completed 2020-2024
EASTEM Euro-Asia Collaboration for Enhancing STEM Education Completed 2019-2021
FOODI MSc course in Food Processing and Innovation Completed 2018-2022
FRIENDS Furthering International Relations Capacities and Intercultural Engagement to Nurture Campus Diversity and to Support Internationalisation at Home Completed 2018-2022
LIFE for SEA-ED Learning to Investigate by Field Experiment for Southeast Asian Emerging Diseases Completed 2017
MSIE4.0 Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry Completed 2017
NEXUS Nodes of EXcellence in (SEA) Universities through Spatial data Completed 2017
PISAI Participatory and Integrative Support for Agricultural Initiative Completed 2017
TOURIST Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of local tourism in Thailand and Vietnam Completed 2017
HR4ASIA Strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Univerisities Completed 2016
MP MARCO POLO Completed 2016
MS FSCC Joint Master Degree - Food Security and Climate Change Completed 2016
SIMPLE Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education Completed 2016
TA-SE Tuning Asia-South East Completed 2016
AsiFood Universities as key partners for the new challenges regarding food safety & quality in ASEAN Completed 2015
ReVET Reinforcement of Veterinary Studies in Asian Universities Completed 2015
Announcement by Prince of Songkla University

Credit Transfer Guidelines for European Educational Institutions

University Announcement

According to the Memorandum between Prince of Songkla University and the European Educational Institution (European Union: EU) under Erasmus+Programme, there are undergraduate and graduate student exchange programmes enrolled at host university for onesemester to one academic year. In addition, PSU’s policy encourages enrollment of international students which taken credits can be transferred to a home institution.

In order to transfer credits between PSU and European Educational Institution, please refer to following guidelines:

1. Students from European Educational Institution (EU) can enroll at Prince of Songkla University, the faculty’s academic service/faculty members responsible for exchanged students converts each subject credits by multiplying with 1.67 to obtain ECTS (referring to the Guideline for credit transfer in US system and EU system) (1 credit x 1.67).

2. PSU students enrolled from European Educational Institution under Erasmus Mundus Programme enrolled in the faculty which is not the member partner, the member faculty has to be responsible for the tuition fee for the students.

Announcement on 21 July 2016

Announcing the winner of the equipment tender for the FRIENDS Erasmus+ Project at PSU

Equipment Tender: Notice of Award

FRIENDS Project Announcement

International Affairs Office, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, is pleased to announce the qualified winner of the tender regarding the equipment purchasing for the purpose of Erasmus+ project FRIENDS at PSU. The company C&R Information Technology Ltd. Part has been awarded the aforementioned equipment purchasing contract with the following conditions:

- Total Amount (VAT incl.): 440,000 THB

- Deadline for implementation: 20 February 2020

- Warranty Period: 12 months

For further information below and relevant documents, see the links below.

FRIENDS Erasmus+ Project at PSU opens tender for purchasing electronic equipment.

Equipment Tender for the FRIENDS Project

Deadline Extended!

Tender submission deadline extended to 31 October 2019! Send submissions to [email protected]

Winner announced!

Tendering process has been completed and the qualified winner has been awarded the contract.