Songkhla Nakarin news

THE Impact Rankings 2023: PSU #2 in Thailand, joint #73 in the world by SDG 8

    Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 placed PSU in the top 10 in Thailand and #401-600 in the world.

THE Impact Rankings 2023 is a ranking of higher education institutions according to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. In 2023, PSU was ranked much higher than in previous years.

Rankings were announced in various fields, with PSU reaching its best three rankings as detailed below.

#2 in Thailand, joint #73 in the world in SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth)

Joint #4 in Thailand, joint #201–300 in the world in SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions)

#7 in Thailand, #201-300 in the world in SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being)

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