
Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology
Master of Science Program in Rubber Technology
Full Time Program (Monday - Friday)

1. Number of students
1.1 Plan A1 limited to 10 students   
1.2 Plan A2 limited to 10 students

2. Plan of study
2.1 Plan A1
2.2 Plan A2

3. Course Structure and Components



Plan A1

Plan A2

Compulsory Courses


9  credits

Elective Courses


9  credits


36 credits

18 credits


36 credits

36 credits

4. Qualification of applications
Plan A1
1) Graduated from a Bachelor Degree in Science, Engineering, Industrial Technology or other related field.
2) Graduated from a Bachelor Degree with GPA no less than 3.00 or required at least on publication or experienced in rubber industry or related fields for at least 1 year.
3) Applicants with qualifications other than mentioned will be under the consideration of the Program committee.
Plan A2
1) Graduated from a Bachelor Degree in Science, Engineering, Industrial Technology or other related field with GPA no less than 2.50.
2) Applicants with qualifications other than mentioned will be under the consideration of the Program committee.

5. Required application documents
6. Examination schedule


Date and Time


No written exam

According to the schedule of Graduate school and applicants are notified directly

Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology

7. Program’s Introduction
The Master of Science Program in Rubber Technology aims to produce graduates in rubber technology who have knowledge and ability in rubber science and technology, understand the production process, and solve problems in the rubber industry. Graduate is able to adjust to changed circumstances, produce quality research, concern with moral ethics, professional ethics, the public mind, and social responsibility.
The research areas considered in Production technology of natural rubber or synthetic rubber; Characterization of raw materials; Processing and rubber products; Research and development of thermoplastic elastomer; Chemical modification of rubber; Development of composite and nanocomposite rubber; or related research such as polymers and biomaterials, etc.

8. Contact person
8.1 Associate Professor Dr. Wannarat Chueangchayaphan (Committee Chair)
Tel. 0-7727-8889, E-mail: wannarat.p@psu.ac.th 
8.2 Miss Pantip Chareonsak, Coordinator
Tel. 0-7727-8889,   E-mail: pantip.ch@psu.ac.th

9. Tuition fee: According to the free schedule from the Graduate School